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About US


Our Story

Established in 2021, RawsomePaw Co. was born out of a deeply personal experience—the tragic loss of my sister’s husky, Rocky. Despite exhausting all possible treatments and sparing no expense, Rocky succumbed to an inoperable malignant tumor at a tragically young age. This heartbreaking event made us realize the potential role of his lifelong consumption of overly processed food in exacerbating his condition.

This heartbreaking loss sparked a determination within me to prevent similar stories from unfolding in the lives of other cherished pets. Driven by this mission, I delved into extensive research and obtained certification in pet nutrition. The culmination of this effort is Rawsome Paw Co., where we proudly offer pet food products that are not only Research-driven but also Affordable and Wholesome (RAW) — the essence of our brand.

We take immense pleasure in providing these meticulously crafted products, and it is our sincerest hope that you find joy in feeding them to your furry companions. Your satisfaction means the world to us, and we encourage you to reach out with any questions or feedback you may have. Together, let us embark on a journey toward nourishing our beloved pets with the best possible care.

Warm regards,
Darcy Pritchett, Founder
Rawsome Paw Co.

Meet the Team

Darcy Pritchett, CEO/Founder

Meet Darcy Pritchett, a former aerospace professional who has embarked on an extraordinary journey in pursuit of a PhD in biomedical science, specializing in mycology. Passionate about science, animals, and nutrition, Darcy founded a pet food company that cultivates its own functional mushrooms for its pet food products.

With a background in aerospace engineering, Darcy brings a meticulous and analytical mindset to his new venture. However, his true passion lies in scientific research and its ability to improve the well-being of our beloved pets.

Driven by a deep desire to make a difference, Darcy returned to school to pursue a PhD in biomedical science, with a research focus on future applications of fungal beta-glucans for cancer and adaptogenic immunization. Fueling his research is a strong fascination with the potential benefits of functional mushrooms, specifically in terms of cancer prevention, treatment support, and overall well-being.

Darcy’s expertise in pet nutrition is demonstrated by his pet nutrition certification from NAVC (North American Veterinary Community). This certification equips him with extensive knowledge of pet dietary requirements, allowing him to create meticulously formulated products that prioritize optimal nutrition and well-being.

With an unwavering commitment to science, Darcy aims to bridge the gap between research and practical applications. He strives to ensure that pets benefit from the latest advancements in mycology, providing them with high-quality nutrition and support.

Through his pet food company, ongoing research, and dedication to education, Darcy empowers pet owners and veterinarians to make informed decisions about nutrition and care. His ultimate goal is to offer pets the highest quality nutrition and support for a vibrant and healthy life.

Benjamin Thomas, Director of Sales

Meet Benjamin Thomas, Rawsome Paw Co.’s Director of Sales. With his strong merchandising and account management background, Benjamin brings a wealth of experience to our team. Known for his strategic thinking and exceptional communication skills, he is committed to driving sales growth and building strong client relationships. Benjamin’s passion for delivering top-notch service and his deep understanding of the industry make him an invaluable asset as we continue to provide the best products for our beloved furry friends.

Dalai, Chief Product Officer

With a background in pug behavior, Dalai leverages his experience in food motivation to drive sales and product development. He currently ranks in the top 1% of pug executives in the country and we are proud to have him on our team.

Einstein, Chief Quality Officer

Einstein is the youngest executive on our team. Representing the feline species well, he maintains all quality systems and processes to ensure regulatory compliance for all products. His attention to detail has made the company what it is today. Einstein also leads our diversity and inclusion initiatives.